The eXtreme NodeTM (XNodeTM)

A single-board, rugged computer module with one or more integrated functions designed to operate in an extreme environment:

Acquisition: Remote signal acquisition (sensing) and digitization

Actuation: Remote control of a motor, linear actuator or other electromechanical device

Closed-loop control: Local sensing and actuation with local decision making (e.g. PID)

Communication: Wired, wireless communication to a remote location

100 Series

  • < 150°C
  • Ceramic Substrate
  • Silicon IC Components

200 Series

  • < 200°C
  • Ceramic Substrate
  • Silicon IC Components

250 Series

  • < 250°C
  • Ceramic Substrate
  • SOI IC Components

350 Series

  • < 350°C
  • Ceramic Substrate
  • SOI IC Components

500 Series

  • < 500°C
  • Ceramic Substrate
  • SiC IC Components

Interested in a data acquisition, control or sensing module that can operate in one of these temperature ranges? Contact us today to find out more about our standard products and Quick Turn high-temperature prototypes - All proudly manufactured at our facilities in the USA.